Madame Gerda Spillmann:

A Legacy of Perseverance and Purpose

Since 1944 Gerda Spillmann has been a pioneer in the skincare industry. She began with a dream; to cultivate highly effective skincare products for every skin type. At the age of 24, she achieved that dream when she launched her company in Switzerland. Gerda Spillmann quickly became a household name across the country, well-known for having the highest standard in skincare available.

Today, Gerda Spillmann has become a leading name in the world of luxury skincare across the globe, and Bio-Fond Cream Foundation Makeup has been a staple for Hollywood makeup artists since the 80’s.

The Road To Gerda Spillmann

80 years ago in Zurich, it was not only difficult but socially unacceptable for an enterprising young woman to start a business. It was essentially against the law for a woman to own and operate a business. At that time a woman was required to have special permission from the Swiss government. Given the social norms of the time, such permission was rarely even sought, much less granted. Yet after many attempts, Gerda Spillmann was finally allowed to bring the skin-care products she had long researched and developed to the marketplace. 

Even after receiving official permission, the problems for a woman doing business in Switzerland were inherent. Social scorn, the utter impossibility of credit, and the deeply ingrained prejudices against women in business would have spelled failure to a person with anything less than the forceful perseverance of Gerda Spillmann. Her determination was born of adversity at an early age, and by the time she decided to start a business, skin care had become her life. Her belief in her dream was unshakable.

"A cared for complexion gives you strength"

-Gerda Spillmann

group photo of skincare products in various containers with the GS logo, mostly white and silver with an orange oil in the back, black circular container to the bottom left and red square compact on the bottom right

Gerda Spillmann Swiss Cosmetics Today

From the ever-popular Bio-Fond Cream Foundation outward, the GS brand is known for exceptional ingredients that enhance natural beauty and promote youthful complexions. From development to distribution, Gerda Spillmann produces exceptionally high grade formulas, (exceeding strict EU standards), in the Swiss tradition without ever compromising quality.

The GS cosmetics line is carefully crafted, and is focused on what your skin deserves. Between loyal customers and an ever-growing fan base, it’s no surprise that Gerda Spillmann was, and is, considered the First Lady of Swiss Skincare.